What are the output devices of computer?, Output Devices of Computer List

What are the output devices of computer?

Output Devices are used to display the data that we input into a computer and the results which we get after processing is called output devices.

output devices of computer

i) Keyboard

ii) Mouse

iii) Scanner

iv) Joystick

v) Web Camera

vi) Microphone

vii) Touch screen

viii) Trackball

ix) Barcode Reader

x) MICR (Magnetic Input Character Recognition)

xi) OMR (Optical Magnetic Recognition)

xii) Electronic Light Pen

Let’s have a look one by one.

What are the output devices of computer?

i) Monitor: It looks like a television. You can watch movies and play games on the monitor. The output given by a monitor is called as soft copy. It is also called VDU (Visual Display Unit).

There are mainly three types of monitors:

A) CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Monitor

B) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Monitor

C) LED (Light Emitting Diode) Monitor

What are the output devices of computer?

ii) Printer: It is used to print the output on a paper.

Types of Printers

A) Dot Matrix Printer

B) Laser Printer

C) Inkjet Printer

What are the output devices of computer?

iii) Plotter: It is used for taking big printouts. Especially, plotters are used for printing country maps, weather forecasting pictures, etc. It is used by engineers, architects, etc., to produce 3D effects in their designs or pictures.

Plotters are divided into two types:

A) Drum Plotter

B) Flatbed Plotter

iv) Speakers: It is used to listen to music and other sounds played on the computer. These are attached to the CPU through cables. Speakers comes in different shapes and sizes.

What are the output devices of computer?

v) Projector: It takes image from a computer and display them by projection onto screen, wall or another surface. The surface projected onto is usually large, flat and lightly colored.

vi) Sound Card: Inside the computer, a sound card is an expansion component. It is also referred to as a soundboard, audio output device, or audio card. It offers audio input and output capabilities in computers, which can be heard with the help of speakers or headphones.

There are three primary types of sound cards:

A) Motherboard Sound Chips.

B) Standard Sound Cards.

C) External Sound Adapters.

What are the output devices of computer?

vii) Video Card: The video card is an expansion card that allows the computer t send graphical information to a video display device such as a monitor, TV, or projector. The card is usually located on the computer motherboard or is a separate circuit board but is sometimes built into the computer display unit.

viii) Headphones: Headphone are special speakers that enable a person to listen to music alone without disturbing the other persons.

What are the output devices of computer?

Read More: https://digitalcomputereducation.com/what-is-computer-hardware-in-computer/

Know More: https://youtu.be/QGhd0w1kGm4

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