Computer Abbreviation MCQs, All Computer Full Forms, computer full forms list

computer abbreviation mcqs

Computer Abbreviation MCQs Abbreviation that means full form. As you know computer abbreviations MCQs cannot be ignored while preparing for computer-based competitive exams. So here, we have compiled 100 important computer abbreviation quiz questions with answers. Q.1 What is the full form of IT? A. Integrated Technology B. Information Technology C. Interested Technology D. Intelligent …

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What are the storage devices of computer?, Types of Storage Devices, Internal and External Storage Devices of Computer, Primary and Secondary Storage Devices of Computer

What are the storage devices of computer? Storage devices are used to store the data and instructions entered into the computer are called storage devices. i) Hard Disk ii) Floppy Disk iii) CD iv) DVD v) Pen drive vi) Memory card i) Hard Disk: It is the main and the largest storage device of the computer. …

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What are the input devices of computer?

Input Devices of Computer

What are the input devices of computer? 1. Input Devices The parts which are used to give input to the computer are called input devices. Types of Input Devices i) Keyboard ii) Mouse iii) Scanner iv) Joystick v) Web Camera vi) Microphone vii) Touch screen viii) Trackball ix) Barcode Reader x) MICR (Magnetic Input Character …

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What is Computer Hardware in Computer?

what is computer hardware

What is Computer Hardware in Computer? The physical parts of a computer that you can touch and feel are called hardware.   Computer hardware consists of all the input, processing, output and storage devices. The connectors such as wires, cables, switches, etc., are also included in this category  Here is the chart that will show …

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Introduction to Python Programming

Introduction to Python Programming In this article. We will explorer some of the reasons why people pick python for their programming task. We will discuss about the common ways to launch python programs: by running code typed at interactive Python shell. by executing python scripts and IDE GUIs such as IDLE. This article will equip …

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Generations of Computer

Generation of Computers

In this article, we are going to discuss about generations of computer.  Computers have evolved through different generations. Let us explore this journey in detail.   What is Generation?  Generation refers to the state Of improvement in product development process. Similarly, we can say generation of computer refers to the state of improvement in computer …

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